Apostolic Kingdom Network
“Advancing the Kingdom Together”
“Advancing the Kingdom Together”
Welcome to the Apostolic Kingdom Network website. Below is a brief explanation of how to get connected with our global ministry. Our first and last objective is to advance the kingdom of Jesus Christ by developing covenant relationships with kingdom minded men and women of God like you. It you're serious about the kingdom, then we're serious about connecting with you! We're growing and would like you to grow with us!
International Headquarters
Apostolic Kingdom Network
If you're seeking the manifestation of the Kingdom in your life, please contact Pastor, Dr. Darlene Taylor at 708-833-0848
Apostolic Kingdom Network
Apostle Jerry Taylor Sr.
69-75 East 83rd Street
Chicago IL 60619
“It's exciting Advancing the Kingdom Together”
Mission: To develop a global Network of affiliated churches, pastors and ministers to advance the Kingdom of God. Matthew 4:23, 24:14, Mark 10:14-15, Luke 4:43, 8:1, Acts 30-31
Establishing strong covenant relationships globally impacts the cause of Jesus Christ exponentially. AKN speaks the international language of Christ our King. Kingdom citizen, it’s not about us it's all about the Kingdom! This is God's time to do great exploits through yielded vessels like you! God is calling those who sense a higher calling of the Kingdom. Our goal is to go beyond denominational, racial, colors and creed, to fulfill the great proclamation (Matthew 28:18-20) in a more productive way and coordinated way! It's ALL about the Kingdom! To the glory of God!
If you're committed to Kingdom Building then connecting with AKN is EASY!
1. By developing covenant relationships with our fellow colleagues. "Iron sharpens Iron" Proverbs 27:17. Real Kingdom relationships matters!
2. Spiritual Empowerment providing an apostolic covering with a kingdom/nondenominational focus. Developing a Prayer chain for your church and ministry that covers the world.
3. Community focused ministries including marketplace ministries help advance the cause of Christ. Financial Positioning to bless others. Deut. 8:18.
We must position ourselves to finance the work of the ministry and expanding our impact on our communities in a greater way. The spirit of collaboration flows through covenant relationships. Genesis 12: 1-2.
Although we come from many denominations and organizations our common ground is our firm belief that Jesus Christ is the Messiah, Savior and soon coming King. Supporting and acknowledging ALL candidates, churches and organizations is paramount to the AKN ministry model. It is vital to establishing and maintaining covenant relationships throughout the Network. Wouldn't it be nice to have people all over the world praying specifically for you and your ministry? Wouldn't it be great to have true covenant relationships with no other agenda but to see you succeed?
We intentionally eliminate all the politics so you can focus on what God has called you to do. Having a friend to stand with you as you stand for Jesus Christ is a powerful support system that many are embracing today We believe you have what it takes! Can you hear the clarion call to have more results! More unity! Not according to man's dictates but a priceless precious unity based on Christ's prayer and desire in John 17:20-23. Lord Thank you for making us "One in the Spirit" We believe covenant relationships are vital to strengthening the body of Christ. This is our vision, this is our prayer, this is our quest. We believe it's the Father's pleasure to give us the kingdom...so let's follow His lead together! We've found that covenant relationships blesses us tremendously It's also very gratifying and very rewarding to see you succeed in the work of the ministry. Remember to be fitly framed together, we need friends like you praying and rooting for one another to fulfill there destiny and purpose. Jesus is calling us to be more effective. So Answer this Unity Call. Call us today! 708-833-0848
Membership Information
First of all, you're absolutely not required to leave your organization or denomination. In addition, you are not required to be licensed by AKN. Your previous licensing credentials will be accepted. However, to join there's a $150 membership fee for churches, organizations and individuals. If you do not have a license, the Apostolic Kingdom Network (AKN) will be happy to provide licensing for you. If you need a spiritual covering AKN will be more than happy to serve in that capacity as well. Remember, it's all about the Kingdom.
Membership is approved by the Network Leadership Team (NLT). Membership is for Christian pastors, believers and ministry leaders. If an individual desires to be licensed through AKN the following requisites applies:
1. Ministerial applications are received in January or June during the Annual meeting/Conference in Chicago. To validate the application, the Senior Pastor must sign off on the application. The Regional Representative must sign off and approve applicant as well. The Ministerial License fee is ($125) and must be submitted to AKN with the application.
2. The applications are evaluated and approved by the NLT.
3. For Ministerial licenses: Applications can also be vetted and approved via mail. For Ordination, the applicant may have to stand in person before the Leadership Committee. (In person interview). The Ordination fee $150 and must be turned in with the application. Upon approval of applicant, their Ministerial license will be issued along with an acceptance letter by the Chief Apostle. If the ministerial candidate is able to attend the Annual Conference he or she will be presented to the body during one of the evening services. In the case of overseas candidates they will be presented via newsletters or video/slide presentations.
We pray that when you answer this unity call of the Kingdom, God will bless your ministry exceedingly. So let's get connected and build God's Kingdom together. Matthew 4:23, 24:14, Mark 1:14-15 John 17:20-23, Ephesians 2:18-22, I Cor. 15:58.
AKN knows that YOU MATTER! So we PRAY for your success!
AKN stands in support of your kingdom efforts. We applaud your deep desire to serve our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ and fulfill the great proclamation. We look forward to connecting with You!
Pastor Larry G. Brown, Sr.
AKN East Coast Regional Representative
Dumfries, Virginia
(703) 477-6976
JUNE 15th-16th, 2018 - Hotel location TBA
For information, contact Pastor Darlene Taylor

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